1998 Delivered the "7th Annual Barbara Bishop Distinguished Lecture" Longwood College, Longwood, VA
Guest Lecturer at State University of New York at New Paltz, New Paltz, NY
Guest Lecturer at Kent State University, Kent, OH
1997 Guest Lecturer at University of Richmond, Richmond, VA
Lectured at Japan Society, New York, NY
1996 Visiting Lecturer at Forest of Dean University, Wales, Great Britain
Presented workshop and lecture to the London Potters Association, London, Great Britain
Juror for "The Ninth Annual San Angelo National Ceramic Competition," San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo, TX
Lecturer at Japan Society, New York, NY
Panelist at "Utilitarian Clay: Celebrate the Object," Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
1991 Chaired panel on the "Aesthetics of Woodfiring" at American Woodfire Conference '91," University of Iowa, Iowa City, IO
Lecturer and panelist at the "Shigaraki International Ceramics Symposium '91," Shigaraki, Japan
1990 Guest Lecturer at Cranbrook Academy, Bloomfield Hills, MI
Panelist at symposium on "Making and Marketing Art and Craft in the '90s," Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen, Berea, KY
Panelist on "NEA Fellowships: Reason and Renewal," National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA), annual conference, Cincinnati, OH
1989 Lecturer and panelist on "Japanese Influences on American Ceramics," Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY
Guest Lecturer at Chicago Art Institute School of Art, Chicago, IL
Guest Lecturer at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL
1987 Panelist at symposium on "The Art of the Japanese Potter," Asia House, New York, NY
Chaired panel on "Role and Relevance of Pottery in Contemporary Society," at National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA), annual conference, Syracuse, NY
Panelist at conference on "Historic Japanese Kilns and Contemporary American Potters," Japan Society, New York, NY
Visiting Artist, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
1986 Chaired panel on "The Politics of Pottery," Anton Gallery, Washington, DC
1983 Panelist at "Symposium on Woodfiring Aesthetics," Japan House, New York, NY
Panelist at conference, "The Significance of Woodfired Kilns in America," Peters Valley, Layton, NJ
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